Selasa, 22 Juli 2014

Free Ebook

Free Ebook

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Product details

File Size: 44185 KB

Print Length: 324 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (July 3, 2018)

Publication Date: July 3, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#821,402 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book should be textbook in any undergraduate course of computer science. It's excellent, typical Feynman.

"Dumb as hell but goes like mad." You should buy it just for that insight. Then you would know why we are where we are.

It needs a Leighton and Sands to bring it all the way home. Too much homework.

I find this book dissapointing. It doesn't compare with the insight, clarity, and beauty found in the famous "Feynman lectures in physics". Basically what Feynman does in this book is simplify and coaches one though complex Computer Science/ Information Theory Concepts. The book may have the small size of a novel, but I find it to be more like a textbook; because it has many equations (even exercises in the first chapter), and also one has to be quite attentive while reading. I'm not saying this is a bad book, only that, if you liked the "Feynman lectures in physics" it doesn't automatically mean you'll like this book. This book is different, obviously in the sense that it doesn't deal much with physics, and secondly in the fact that it is not passionatly written, I think. Why is this book so expensive anyways?Now that you got my warning. I can definitely recomend this book for people intereseted in things like:-theoretical limits of computers (enthropy, energy)-physical realizations of logic gates (transistors)-quantum computers

My husband birthday present and he loved it.

Good enough for reading

I was told this would be the book where Feynman laid the foundations for quantum computing. In actuality, most of it is a rather haphazard tour of selected topics from basic computer science, using the old-fashioned bottom-up approach (starting with gates and flip-flops). There are your basic bits about Turing machines and information theory, and some weird stuff about reversible logic which supposedly leads on to the quantum computing. Then there is a reprint of an article about quantum computing which rehashes the latter bits and goes a bit farther, but unfortunately my training in quantum physics did not allow me to follow it. If you want to read good Feynman, try things like Q.E.D., which is brilliant.

A timeless classic by Feynman. It's one of Feynman's least known books but it's also one of his best books, especially if you love computers, theory of computation and physics. In this book Feynman explores the fundamental ideas in theory of computation, information theory and physical limits of computing processes.This book is geek's dream come true. It's a pleasure to read as it's written in Feynman's pedagogical writing style and is packed with so many topics. Feynman starts with basic logic gates, proceeds to finite state machines, Turing machines, and Halting problem. Then he discusses coding and information theory, Hamming codes, Shannon's theorem, and Huffman coding. He then explains reversible computation and thermodynamics of computing, entropy in thermodynamics and information theory and Maxwell's daemon. This chapter demonstrates a billiard ball computer, which is a reversible computer that can actually do calculations. Mind=blown. The book ends with a brief introduction to quantum computing (quantum computing was just starting when the book was written), and then explains physical aspects of computation.I've placed this book #16 in My Top 100 Programming, Computer and Science books list:[...](If this link gets removed google for >>catonmat top 100 programming, science books<<).





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